Unity RTS

The mechanics are straightforward; you’re given a single resource, “oil,” and you can make tanks. If you lose your main base, you lose. The last player standing wins. The full source can be found here.


The game starts with a simple lobby screen.

The player can construct "oil rigs" to get more resources per second and production building to generate more tanks. There is a constraint that buildings must be placed within a certain distance to their main base.

Pathing is solved using Unity's NavMeshAgent. Nothing clever is done to prevent groups of units from splitting around obstacles.

Buildings and units can be destroyed. If you lose your main base, you lose.



The network library I used for this is an open-source project, Mirror. It follows a client-server architecture with SyncVars (Synchronized variables) and RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) as the primary building blocks. The game is run with a dedicated server or under a host. Generally, I have authority checks that ensure core logic is only run on the host server and the state is replicated to the clients. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there were still plenty of exploitable things on the client side.

The RPC model of Mirror meshes well with C#'s event system. Take, for example, ClientOnGameOver. Many things will get cleaned up on the client-side, and the players need to know the game's result. The UnitCommandHandler and UnitSelectionHandler are disabled, and the GameOverDisplay is rendered. The event system gives a tidy way to handle the fan-out of RPCs. When run on the server-side, the event system provides an easy-to-use Event Queue abstraction.


Mirror supports multiple transport layers, one of them being a Steam relay. This required minimal code changes and let's us use Steam's APIs for friend discovery and authentication while still keeping the networking peer-to-peer.

Issues and Learning

C# and Scripting Model

I expected Unity's C# scripting model to be easier than Unreal's C++/Blueprint system. However, I felt that blueprints were quicker and more natural for fast prototypes, the class model of Unreal's C++ code was a bit more straightforward, and the code felt more "sturdy." Unity's live-reloading was nice, but it was pretty finicky, and I needed to configure it to avoid long pauses in the middle of playtesting.


Implementing the minimap was more fun than I expected. A lot of the other logic in the game was very much general programming, just game themed or interacting with Unity's built-in systems like in the case of pathing. I couldn't lean on any of my experience with other types of programming while making the minimap, though.

It's implemented using a rectangular transform for ray-tracing to detect when a player has interacted with the minimap, a virtual camera to render the orthographic view of the player's vision, and icons for prefabs that give their minimap representation.